Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Poll of citizens

Concerned Citizens

In this article it says that “A new national poll suggests that only a quarter of Americans think things are going well in the country today, while the rest of those questioned are angry, scared and stressed out.” and it also mentioned that "Prior to 2008, we have seen that level of dissatisfaction only three times in the past four decades -- during Watergate, the Iranian hostage crisis and the recession of 1992." I would not doubt these polls, because to me it makes sense that so many American’s are nervous or scared or whatever, they have a reason to be. We are on our way, or some people may say we are already in an economic recession. The survey also suggests that most Americans are not happy with President Bush. Seventy-two percent of those questioned disapprove of the president's handling of his job.”  Americans want a leader to emerge from the next election that will lead us out of this crisis with the least impact on the people, and wether that will take new ideas and major change on capital hill, I am not sure. The economy has become a large issue that people consider when thinking about who to vote for. Different policies could mean getting our economy back on it’s feet again or going into a depression. For these reasons I think this election is very important.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ax attack

A man in Morgan county was sent the the ER with head wounds from an ax. Honestly, this sounds like something from a horror movie. I have never of an actual ax murder. I think it was either an accident, or somebody was really mad at him. It is really weird if you ask me, and I cant even imagine what the police officers thought when they found the man. This incident if you to call it that, reminds me of like gang shootings and stuff where innocent people become victims in the situations and it makes you feel so sad and bad for the families of the victims because of how you feel they didn’t deserve what happened to them, just like the ax victim, who deserves to get almost killed with an ax? I hope that the perpetrator Jose Barron loses the court battle and is sent to jail for a long time. I am wondering if this crime is gang related, even though it does not seem like something a gang would do. I also wonder whether Jose is mentally insane, or what his problem is because that was a dumb idea. I think that this is a rare occurrence and I feel really bad for the victim.

The future of America

America’s future

This article is written by Glen Beck, and one of the main points he makes is that that George Washington said that political parties put their own revenge and interests before America’s interests and that will lead to the destruction of the United States. I partly agree with this because I understand that sometimes the competition between the parties gets to be a little much, but if not for different parties people with the same ideas and policies would rule capitol hill, and different and new innovative ideas to fix problems would never be thought of. He also says that is not smart to hand over tons of money to greedy politicians. I totally agree with this because I think it is not smart to offer politicians so much money, because they could be doing the job for the money, just as much as they are doing the job to serve the country. And greedy politicians are more likely to get paid off.